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Writer's pictureAmelia Pells

Superfoods for Fertility

Updated: Sep 19, 2023

Nutrition is the foundation of cellular health, the food you eat literally communicates with your genes, these are the building blocks of biochemistry and by ensuring you receive the correct enzymes, vitamins and minerals you will increase the quality of your egg and sperm.

A fertility diet is not one where you have to spend large amounts of money on expensive ingredients or buy products whose names you can’t pronounce. It is a diet that focuses on micro and macronutrients that can easily be found in your kitchen and which research suggests makes an improvement to ovulation, conception, and the chances of a healthy baby. Key points in a fertility diet are an abundance of nutrients and it is devoid of antinutrients that can have a detrimental effect on fertility.

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Optimising egg quality for fertility

1. Eggs

Eggs are an absolute powerhouse of nutrition. They are a complete protein source providing important fertility nutrients which can be easy to miss in a diet that isn't broad. Two large eggs will supply you with 12 grams of protein, over 60% of your day's choline intake and 50% of your B12 daily needs.

Eggs are easy to cook, easy to add to a dish and a great on-the-go snack food.

2. Brocolli and Spinach

Broccoli and spinach are a part of the cruciferous vegetable family and when eaten produce indole-3-carbinol. This substance aids in detoxification in the liver, which breaks down, excretes and/or recycles hormones. When the liver is not functioning optimally, hormones can recirculate and lead to imbalances. Symptoms that can be experienced are; PMS, menstrual disorders, acne, low energy, weight gain, excess sweat, anxiety, and palpitations. Including a cup of vegetables from the cruciferous family, every day supports your liver function as well as contains a multitude of vitamins and minerals. Broccoli and spinach are two of my favourites to support fertility, conception and pregnancy due to the extra nutrients they provide, a great source of folate and Vitamin A, C, E, and K.

3. Sardines

You either love them or hate them but what most do not realise is that sardines are a SUPERFOOD! They are full of healthy omega-3 essential fatty acids that keep sperm fluid, and flexible and provide energy for fertilisation with the oocyte.  For females, omega 3 helps support blood flow to the uterus and supports hormonal and menstrual cycle health. Sure you can eat other oily fish for their omega 3 content such as salmon but what I love about sardines is that as smaller fish they are very low down on the mercury content being at the bottom of the food chain. They are easy and accessible to everyone in tins from the supermarket. Plus they are packed with B12, selenium, calcium, Vitamin D, Protein and other nutrients.

Tip: Do as they do in the Mediterranean, cover in lemon juice, salt and pepper and I am sure you will find they taste much more delicious.

4. Berries

Berries contain large amounts of Vitamin C, E, and A which act as antioxidants and help to reduce inflammation, as well as anthocyanins which are reflected in the blue, purple and red pigment of the fruit. Anthocyanins are powerful antioxidants that protect against DNA damage from free radicals This is particularly important when trying to conceive as the months leading up to conception is the time when you can exert the greatest influence on the quality of your eggs and sperm.

5. Liver

I know not what you want to read on a superfoods list, but it is undeniable the powerhouse of nutrients that liver has in it. High in many nutrients and great if you are having trouble getting your iron or B12 stores elevated. The trick to eating liver is to hide it in amongst food. Chop it up and hide in your delicious bolognese, grate it frozen into a pasta dish then heat and eat. Most importantly you do not have to eat it every day. Having liver pate once a fortnight or week is sufficient to get those fertility-supporting nutrients in.

Get the lowdown on all the nutrients needed for conception, and what you should and shouldn't eat in this easy-to-digest eBook.

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