Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®â€‹
Fertility, Digestion, Reproductive Health
The Arvigo® Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy are founded on the ancient Mayan technique of abdominal massage which is an external non-invasive manipulation that repositions internal organs that have shifted, thereby restricting the flow of blood, lymph, nerve and chi.
Based on over thirty years of training and experience Dr Rosita Arvigo developed these techniques which now bear her name. This modality incorporates a holistic approach to health care which includes massage, naprapathy (a branch of chiropractic), herbal medicine, nutrition, and emotional and spiritual healing. With the belief that addressing these areas simultaneously promotes optimal health by allowing the body to come to its natural state of homeostasis/balance.
Dr Arvigo learned the basis from which these techniques were developed from her mentor, Don Elijio Panti, the great Maya Shaman of Belize, Central America with whom she apprenticed for ten years. Don Elijio believed that a woman's centre is her uterus. "If a woman's uterus is out of balance, so is she," he would say. The ancient Maya healing techniques have been passed down from shaman to shaman and include the techniques and expertise of traditional midwives of the Maya. tradition.
Information is taken with consent from The Arvigo Institute. To learn more about Rosita Arvigo, Don Elijio and the Arvigo Institute check out Arvigo Therapy
Arvigo® abdominal massage which is an external non-invasive manipulation that repositions internal organs that have shifted, thereby restricting the flow of blood, lymph, nerve and chi. The work is best known for the correction of the prolapsed, fallen, or tilted uterus and for the prevention and treatment of benign prostate enlargement in men, and for the relief of many common digestive disorders. The primary goal is to support the body's natural healing ability.
For information about Avrigo® massage for fertility see here
The Maya abdominal massage has been found beneficial for:
Painful periods
Repeated miscarriages
Irregular menstrual cycles (early or late)
Bladder infections
Headache or migraine with menstruation
Ovarian cysts
PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
Painful intercourse
Prevention of prostate issues
Prostate swelling
Low sperm count
Constant urination
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Low back pain
Varicose veins
During a session:
A comprehensive review of your personal health history and current health needs.
The areas worked on during a treatment include the whole abdomen, from the top of the pubic bone up toward the sternum. Abdominal massage focuses on aligning reproductive and abdominal organs. Relieving any tension, massaging old scarring, and improving the flow of blood and lymph.
Evaluation of the spine and application of structural alignment with particular attention to the sacrum area. Back, neck and shoulders are massaged.
Instruction in Self Care Home Techniques is given to enhance your professional treatment between sessions.
Recommendations are made for any herbal, nutritional, or lifestyle advice.
Contraindications & Cautions:
During active menstruation
IUD (intra-uterine device for contraception) is present
Immediately after abdominal surgery
Active infection or cancer present in the pelvic area, or while undergoing chemotherapy
During the first trimester (19 weeks) of pregnancy (modification)
Hiatal Hernia (gentle massage required)
Active and acute infection
An abdominal Aneurysm
Diastasis Rectus
Pessary for uterine prolapse (remove prior to your session)
Any serious health condition that causes you concern
The initial consultation is 2 hours and this includes a full health history intake and teaching you self-care massage. Also included is any recommendation of herbal formulas and dietary advice.
Follow up treatments are 1 hour.